Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Incomprehensible Grace

Today was an amazing day again. I travel once per week on the train to LA and back. I'm on my way home and just coming down from all the exciting days events. My mom, Mary and I met with a person that can help us take FTL to the next level of where all of our dreams have been for this cause. God has plans, I am sure of this.  If you are reading this blog you probably have found our website. It went live 2 weeks ago. I haven't launched our website and today confirmed why, the mission is great and so is the planning. There is so much work to be done and my mom, I can hardly contain our excitement sometimes. This picture is from a meeting today, FTL's first recipients to move into independent living. Our first FTL recipients are talking with friends of FTL. It is a huge step to move from a 24/7 skilled nursing home into their own home. Pacien, 31 Duchenne MD, Janette, c-5 quad, FTL's independence trainer & Andrew Skinner, quadriplegic and founder of Triumph Foundation consult and share their experience and advise. The best thing about today was just being a part of this incredible group. I have seen people like this do so much with so little. The human spirt is amazing! At the end of the meeting I was so moved because each person shared their story and related to their journey in life.  I wish I could have recorded the meeting today, if we could see grace, hope and love I would have posted that picture! God bless you and please continue to follow.
President, Executive Director FTL

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